Category: Personalities

9 Best MLB Pitchers of all Time and Their Achievement 2023

Baseball’s heart is in its pitching. It’s the start of the game and shapes the in-field setting for each team. While hitting brings in the crowds, great pitching wins championships. Throughout Major League Baseball’s history, there have been some genuinely …

Mia Sara Career, Marriage, Social Media and Family

The name everyone is familiar with is Mia Sara. But the actual name of the former daughter-in-law of the late legendary actor, Sean Connery, is Mia Sarapochiello. From the name, you could argue that she is Italian or Spanish. After …

Noah Munck YouTube, Instagram, Career & Siblings

If you ever saw iCarly, then you must have met the younger version of Noah Munck. For some fans of the show, their favorite character is Gibby, and the reason is simple; he is the funniest on the show. But …

Doreen Lioy Today, Bio, Career and Personal Lifestyle

What would make a successful magazine editor fall in love with a satanic serial killer is a question that no one may find answers to. Yet, this is the story of Doreen Lioy and the Satanist-cum-serial-killer, Richard Ramirez. In a …

Brittany Ashton Holmes Biography, Movies & Relationship

Brittany Ashton Holmes Biography Brittany Ashton Holmes was a former actress who was born, on February 27, 1989, in California USA, and became eminent after her first movie “The Little Rascal” of which she was among the major cast. Brittany …

Big Meech Net Worth, Son, Release Date & Relationship

Demetrius Edward Flenory is an American drug trafficker, and businessman popularly known as Big Meech. He became famous through an organization known as Black Mafia Family (BMF) for laundering money and drug trafficking. The Organization was founded by him and …

Theo James Movies, Wife, Career & Biography

Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptiklis, known simply as Theo James, is arguably one of the best-looking Hollywood actors. He doesn’t only act; he is also a singer, guitarist, producer, and director. It’s safe to say that he’s not just good-looking …